St Peter’s (Vatican City). Main church of the Vatican. The present-day basilica has its origin in Pope Julius II’s 1505 decision to replace the old basilica with a new structure. Built over the course of the following century and a half, the cupola, after a design by Michelangelo, was finished by Giacomo Della Porta and Domenico Fontana in 1593; the façade by Carlo Maderno dates from 1614; and the interior by Bernini was designed in 1629. (St. Peter's Square, also designed by Bernini, was constructed 1656-1667.)

Giovanni Piranesi, 'Basilica Vaticana' from Illustrations de Antichita Romanae, (1748)
- Mozart Relevance
Mozart and his father visited on Easter Sunday, 15 April 1770 and on 29 June 1770.
- Date 1
- 1770-04 and 1770-06
- Location
- Rome
- Date (Mozart)
- 1770-04 and 1770-06
- Location (Mozart)
- Rome