Mozart &
Material Culture


Named for Mantus, the Etruscan god of the underworld, the Duchy of Mantua was ruled by the Gonzaga family from 1328–1708; during Mozart's time it was part of the Habsburg empire.

Mozart Relevance

Mozart and his father visited Mantua from 10–19 January 1770; they stayed at the Albergo Croce Verde (behind the present-day Teatro Sociale, towards the former contrada Croce Verde, now the Corso Umberto Io). Mozart and his father heard Johann Adolf Hasse's opera Demetrio at the Regio Ducale Teatro Vecchio on 10 January; on 16 January Mozart played in a concert for the Reale Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti at the newly-inaugurated Teatro Scientifico dell'Accademia (via Accademia, 47, now the Teatro Bibena). 

Date (Mozart)
Bibliographic Reference
Basso, I Mozart in Italia, 397-400