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Archaelogist, travel writer and from 1716 tutor to the family of Count Andreas Gottlieb von Berstorff, Keyssler is best known for his Neueste Reisen durch Deutschland, Böhmen, Ungarn, die Schweiz, Italien und Lothringen (Hannover, 1740-1741).

Mozart Relevance

Leopold Mozart apparently owned, or at least had access to, a copy of Keyssler's Neueste Reisen, which he consulted in preparation for his travels in Italy.

Johann Georg Keyssler, Neueste Reisen (Hannover, 1751), title page

Johann Georg Keyssler, Neueste Reisen (Hannover, 1751), title page

For an extended extract from the contemporaneous English translation of Neueste Reisen, see the Event entity 1770 A Day Trip Around the Bay of Naples.

Date 1
1693, Thumau
Date 2
1743, Gut Stintenburg
Date (Mozart)
Location (Mozart)
Bibliographic Reference
Siebers, Johann Georg Keyßler; Angermüller, ‘Johann Georg Keyßlers Reiseführer’