Louis Carrogis de Carmontelle, Leopold Mozart and his two children, watercolour, executed at Paris, fall 1763; and engraving, executed at Paris, winter 1764. Copies (Carmontelle): Paris, Musée Carnavalet, Inv. Nr. D. 4496; York, Castle Howard.
In late 1763 or early 1764, the French artist Louis Carrogis de Carmontelle produced several versions, in watercolour or pastel, of a portrait showing Mozart, his father, and his sister, Nannerl, performing. In April 1764 it was engraved, according to Leopold Mozart, by Christian von Mechel: 'M. de Mechel, an engraver in copper, is working hand over fist engraving our portrait, which M. Carmontelle (an amateur) painted very well. Wolfgang plays at a keyboard, I stand behind his chair and play violin, and Nannerl leans on the harpsichord with one hand; in the other she holds a piece of music, as if she were singing.' The engraving, in fact signed by Jean Baptiste Delafosse, was sold both separately and together with the printed editions of Mozart’s sonatas K6-9, in a slightly later English engraving with K10-15, and in Holland with K26-31. The earliest known advertisement for it (together with the sonatas K6-9) appears to be L’Avant Coureur, Paris, 21 January 1765, 42-3:
- Clavessin. On trouve chez le sieur Bordet auteur & marchand de musique, à la musique modern, rue S. Honoré, vis à vis le Palais Royal, entre la rue S. Thomas du Louvre & des Quinze-Vingts, deux livres pour le clavessin, de la composition de J. G. W. Mozart âgé de 7 ans.
- Le premier œuvre de cet enfant qui a fait l’admiration de tout Paris l’hyver dernier & qui depuis n’a pas moins réussi à Londres, contient les sonates dédiées à Madame Victoire de France.
- Le second, contient les sonates dédiérd à Madame la comtesse de Tessé. Le Prix de chaque œuvre est de 4 liv. 4 sols; mais il n’en reste que très peu d’exemplaires, lédition étant épuisée & les plances n’étant plus en France.
- Ceux qui voudront joindre à ces sonates le portrait du petit auteur, le trouveront à la meme adresse. Prix 24 sols.
- On y voir ce maître enfant jouant du clavessin, sa sœur à côté de lui regardant un papier de musique, & son pere derrièrre lui l’accompagnant du violon; la resemblance est parfait.
- Cette estampe est grave d’après le dessein de M. de Carmontelle.
The most widely-circulated image of Mozart at the time, the Delafosse engraving was generally available throughout France, England, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland until 1778.
It is possible that other versions — sometimes of Leopold, Mozart or Nannerl Mozart individually — also circulated in the 1760s. According to the Regensburgisches Diarium for 18 March 1766:
- ‘Zu verkaufen. Bey dem Küster Schmid ist zu haben: 1) Portrait des Herrn Capellmeisters Mozart, von Salzburg, fol. à 30 kr. 2) – seines Hrn. Sohns von 9 Jahren, der ein geschickter Compositeur und ein fürtrefflicher Meister in der Violine ist, fol. à 30 kr. 3) – seiner Mademoiselle Tochter, von 10 Jahren, welche eine der größten Meisterin auf dem Clavier ist, fol. à 30 kr. Diese 3 Personen befinden sich Dato in Londen, und sind, wegen ihrer Stärke in der Music, allda in grossen Ansehen.[1]
Johann Michael Schmid (c1713-1692) was sexton at the evangelical Dreifaltigkeitskirche in Regensburg, as well as a music dealer. The description of Mozart as 9 years old squares well with the comment that the family was at the time in London and, accordingly, the earliest English versions of the Delafosse engraving; Nannerl, in 1764, was twelve years old.
A later version by Thomas Cook (1744-1818), of Mozart only, was published in Daines Barrington’s Miscellanies (London, 1781).

The Carmontelle portrait is also included in the Mozart Portraits theme.
[1] For sale by Sexton Schmid: 1) Portrait of Herr Capellmeister Mozart of Salzburg, fol[io], 30kr[euzer] — 2) —his son, aged 9 years, who is a skilled composer and an excellent master of the violin, fol. 30 kr. 3) — his daughter, 10 years old, who is a great master of the keyboard, fol. 30 kr. These 3 people find themselves in London at present and, because of their musical skills, are held in great esteem.
- Category/Role
- Portrait
- Author/Creator
- Louis Carrogis de Carmontelle
- Date 1
- 1763
- Date 2
- 1764
- Location
- Paris
- Date (Mozart)
- 1763-1778
- Location (Mozart)
- Paris, London, Holland
- Bibliographic Reference
- Vogel, ‘Mozart-Portraits’; Deutsch, 'Mozart Portraits'; Klumpner, 'Die "Familie Mozart" im Lichte Carmontelles: Nur die Geschichted eines Werbedrucks?'; Großpietsch, Mozart-Bilder—Bilder Mozarts.