Mozart &
Material Culture


Composer, known chiefly for his opere serie. Following studies in Naples and some early operatic successes, Jommelli went to Bologna, where he composed the influential Ezio (1741), was admitted to the Accademia Filarmonica, and may have studied with Padre Martini. He was appointed music director at the Ospedale degli Incurabili, Venice, about 1745, spent time in Rome and Vienna, and in 1753 became Kapellmeister to Duke Karl Eugen of Württemberg in Stuttgart. He returned to Naples in 1768. 

Anon, Niccolò Jommelli, c1770.jpg

Anon, Niccolò Jommelli, c1770

Mozart Relevance

The Mozarts met Jommelli in Ludwigsburg in 1763 and attended a rehearsal of his opera Armida abbandonata in Naples on 27 May 1770. On 5 June, Mozart wrote to his sister Nannerl: 'The opera here is by Jommelli, it is beautiful, but too clever and old-fashioned for the theatre. . . '.

Date 1
1714-10-10 Aversa
Date 2
1774-08-25 Naples