Mozart &
Material Culture


For a contemporaneous understanding of watermelon, see Onomatologia Historiae Naturalis Completa oder vollständiges Lexicon das alle Benennungen der Kunstwörter der Naturgeschichte nach ihrem ganzen Umfang erkläret . . . von einer Gesellschaft naturforschender Aerzte (Leipzig, 1761), ii. 882:

Citrullus, Anguria, folio coloupithidis secto, femine nigro. Augurie. Wassermelone. Türkische Melone. Its name derives from its yellowish colour . . . and it is larger than other melons, with which it has much in common except that it is much juicier and watery. It is eaten raw, with sugar and pepper. . . Unlike other melons, its taste does not last as long. Its seeds are used medicinally because they have a cooling and soothing effect. Our gardeners known how to tend them in gardens. In Hungary, however, no particular effort is made over tending them as they grow by themselves.

Mozart, Leopold (1719-1787)
Date (Mozart)
Location (Mozart)

Pages referencing Watermelon:

1770, Italy : Watermelon